Ut loca laudavit , summas pede contigit undas : his quoque laudatis “ procul est ” ait “ arbiter omnis ; nuda superfusis tingamus corpora lymphis .” Parrhasis erubuit . Cunctae velamina ponunt : una moras quaerit . Dubitanti vestis adempta est ; qua posita nudo patuit cum corpore crimen . Attonitae manibusque uterum celare volenti “ i procul hinc ” dixit “ nec sacros pollue fontes ” Cynthia ; deque suo iussit secedere coetu . She loved the place and tested the water with her foot. Pleased with this too she said ‘Any witness is far away, let’s bathe our bodies naked in the flowing water.’ The Arcadian girl blushed: all of them took off their clothes: one of them tried to delay: hes...
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