Called Circe for my yellow eyes -
a hawk and creature - never human -
raised in halls obsidian
in shiny dark - behind the sun .
The halls of Helios we run -
my mother was an Oceanid -
and we are of
   the Titan race .

We Elder folk of seas and skies -
Before the gods - Before the flood
and humans who they made from mud
and beasts of all kinds . We are blood
of primal type - before
the fall . One day
our folk will rule as once we did
from Infra dark
    to Outer Space .

What is this trick ,
this power Divine
of turning sailors into swine ?
And was it Circe's purple wine ?
As if the power to Change was mine !
My spectrum shines on what lies hid ,
My rays just lighting
Up the face

Anita Greg 19/04/2018


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